Finally downloaded an Uber app.

I know, I know.  I’m the last person on earth (or at least Chicago).

I think I’m a mere 2 years away from being cool enough for sidecar.

Friday Finds

Here’s a quick roundup of the things that I’m loving this week.

These Steve Madden shoes.  They are totally, inappropriately high and I am aware that I will look sort of absurd in them but I don’t care.  I bought these (on sale!) at the Steve Madden store in Bucktown.  You can look for me tottering around Chicago in them all summer.

Steve Madden Xternal

Steve Madden Xternal


Nars is always my go to for lip gloss and this has become my trusty new color for spring.  There’s a reason they call it “larger than life lipgloss” but don’t be afraid.  Though you can layer this lipgloss to a very bright and bold finish, you can start out with just a dab and use your finger to blend it into more of a sheer stain like look which allows you to use this gloss for both day and night looks.


Nars Larger Than Life Lipgloss in Place Vendome

Nars Larger Than Life Lipgloss in Place Vendome



At $580 this Missoni swim suit isn’t exactly in my budget (and no, I didn’t buy it) but I spotted it on Net-a-Porter and it was too cute not to buy.

Honestly, at this point I’d be glad to glad to drag out my Target swimsuit if it meant that it was warm enough to wear it in Chicago.  Currently at 42 degrees as I’m typing this.  Sigh. A girl can dream.

Backless Missoni Swimsuit

Backless Missoni Swimsuit

What were your favorite finds this week?


The Chic in…

I know I’m The Chic in Chicago but some days, mostly when work is tough, I think about being



The Chic in New York


Or maybe The Chic in London (I’d look so cute making a call in one of those phone booths)



Possibly Paris, that would make a good blog name on it’s own.



Or maybe just a beach in Bora Bora.

A girl can dream, right?


Photo credits-1, 2, 3


Fashion Icons-Ikram

Ikram's Glossy Red Exterior

Ikram’s Glossy Red Exterior

I have a confession to make.  I have never been inside Ikram.  It completely and totally intimidates me.  Perhaps not even the store so much, I have no issue walking into Hermes or Chanel and I can’t really afford anything in there either, but Ikram herself.  For those of you who don’t know, she’s basically the Oprah of fashion.  The woman who single handedly legitimizes any claim that Chicago can have on fashion, and like Oprah, Ikram is a kingmaker.

Ikram may have come to national attention when dressing Michelle Obama but she was at the forefront of the fashion word long before that.

“The influence of a chain like Barneys is obvious, but a handful of other boutiques — including Colette in Paris, Maxfield in Los Angeles, 10 Corso Como in Milan and, of course, Ikram in Chicago — can do as much to establish a market for an emerging luxury brand as any national department store. At the highest end of the fashion industry, they are the gatekeepers and anointers. “Even if an account is from Russia, I always tell them I’m carried at Ikram,” said Stephen Courter of Ohne Titel. “They’ll have more trust in the label.””

Ikram Goldman

Ikram Goldman

In some ways, Ikram is not like most of the women I usually think of when I think of my personal fashion icons.  She doesn’t live to be photographed, or wear the outlandish clothing of Daphne Guinness.  And yet, she’s arguably shaping the world’s fashion scene more than any of the it girls on the covers of magazines.

Ikram and her eponymous boutique don’t follow trends, they set them.  But more then trends she has a high focus on quality and is known for being unfailingly rigorous in the standards for the clothing that she caries.

If you can afford to shop at Ikram, you’re bound to get clothing that will stand the test of time in both form and function.  And you might even catch a glimpse of Ikram herself.

Just don’t expect to see me there.  I’m still irrationally terrified of her.

Photo 1, 2

Picasso and Chicago

Picasso and Chicago

Picasso and Chicago

Very thankful for the type of friends who remind me that I’ve been saying since before it opened that I was going to check out the Picasso and Chicago exhibit at The Art Institute and I still haven’t actually gone.  The exhibit only runs through Sunday so if you want to get there you’ve got to make plans to actually GO!



Bloggers Block

How can I have bloggers block when I haven’t written anything yet?  I think it’s mostly that I’m over thinking things and wanting to find the “perfect” way to start this blog which, of course, I’ll never find so I guess I’ll just start with the basics.

I’m Maggie, I was born and raised in Chicago though I’ve also lived in Nashville, Boulder, Denver, and London.  I used to be a teacher but now I’m an entrepreneur running my own bridal lingerie and accessory company which I blog about here.

I decided to start this blog at the suggestion from several friends and because, if I’m being honest, because I’m single again after being in a long term relationship so I have a little extra time on my hands.  It’s also a great excuse to get out a bit more and check out all the things that make Chicago great including, but not limited to, bars, restaurants, shopping, and events.

Basically, the plan is for this to be a lifestyle blog about Chicago with a heavy emphasis on fashion.  At least that’s the plan for now.  I guess we’ll see as we go!
